Thursday, December 9, 2010


I know I suck right now.  My lifes been moderately busy with school, work and most importantly 12 hours of sleep a night.  I'm kidding, but seriously.

Ive got some stuff ready just not enough time to do it justice.  So I will when I get a moment, until then enjoy this..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Lights

Hello again.  I haven't posted in a while. For a couple of reasons, one, I have been slightly busy and thanksgiving took its toll.  Second, I have been at a loss for a good topic to write about but last night I think I found one.  Story time.

So last night were on our way back from Washington HS in Fremont where we watched the boys varsity team dismantle a much weaker team from LA whose coach probably had some serious anger issues, and high blood pressure. but enough about that.

Were driving on the freeway, I'm in Joeys Car and Collins driving DJ in his car, so were listening to J Cole, who for those who don't know is very talented, my favorite rapper out right now, but I digress.  So Collin passes us and on the exit to redwood road gets pulled over.  DJ texts me saying "hahaha Collin got blurped." So as we drive by I yell "FREE COLLIN" the chp looks over at me, and I quickly rolled up the window in fear.

As we meet up shortly after Collin tells the story and talks about how nervous he was and that makes me think about the times I've been pulled over in the past...

After a brief trip down memory lane I can remember off the top of my head being pulled over 5 times.  I know its a lot, don't judge me.  And only 1 ticket, as I jinx myself.  But what gets me every time you see those lights is the feeling of: stomach drops, heart races, and of course you just say damn, this blows.

Ill mention a few times I've been "gunned down" first, id had my license for only a short time I was coming home from the doc, and I was doing 58 in a 35.  I basically peed myself I was so nervous that the cop gave me 50 which prolly shave about 100 bucks off so ill take it. 

Another time was when we took my buddy Sean's quads for a ride around town, his neighbor called the cops.  Me and Flem tried to convince the cop they were street legal.  To no avail naturally.  He said, do you see a license plate? I said no, good point, and we walked them home.  Thankfully no ticket again.

So, in conclusion.  Whether its speeding or driving your quads around town, use good knowledge.