Friday, September 24, 2010

Used Car Shopping

So. I guess im on a once a week posting schedule now.  You could call me lazy, but when you have so much material crammed in your head, it takes time to find the words worthy for the official "Good Knowledge" blog.  But, enough of about that.

Roughly two weeks ago I was on my way home from freshman football practice, where I spending evenings molding young minds and making kids do push ups.  Entertaining and Fulfilling I know.  But as I left the school and made the treck up the hill and onto my street, I turned the wheel to the left and put the car in reverse to back into my driveway, as I usually do.  Suddenly, a loud noise, almost like a whining sound came from beneath the hood and in reverse my car began to roll down the street.  Long story short, my transmission went out, making my car, next to useless.

So now with a car which will need 2,000 dollars plus of repairs, my parents decided a used car would be the best bet.  Now I have thought of a comparison to describe my feelings about buying a used car...

And I quote myself..

"Buying a used car is like picking out a goldfish, you want something that will look good, but wont die when you bring it home."

So its safe to say im on the hunt.  With little money and low standards.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

San Diego...

So... this morning we flew home from San Diego where we spent the last 3ish days.  Today was a day which consisted of some good old R and R.  But don't worry I have bounced back, well somewhat, but I figured that a trip like this needs to be shared with the world or at least with the 1 or hopefully 2 people who will read this.

I don't know exactly how to do this trip the justice that it truly deserves, so in an attempt to paint a picture I will list some of the moments off of the top of my head that I feel are memorable, and that were absolutely hilarious. Enjoy.

Some of these may not make a whole lot of sense ill do my best to explain.

-At the airport on 9/11 running through scenarios about what we would do to take out a terrorist
-Brian through out the trip telling us how much he hates bro's (or so-cal d-bags)
-Twon yelling Andrew!
-Everyone yelling He went to Bosques!
-The German Girl (aka Rm. 402) (I love her btw)
-The C-Blocking incident....
-The pass out position
-Daddy long legs or Lsquared or just Long Legs 
-Saying 309 at the Dip
-Alberta Taco
-Andrew saying how moist and tender the chicken is and Matty calling him gay
-Emily continuously yelling White Power
-The Shot Pump
-The Fountain
-Danny's air Mattress by the door
-Sunday morning me yelling Good Morning to this really hott chick as she walked by and her being really surprised
-Getting a plain doughnut for some reason and it being absolutely awful
-Sitting at the bus stop staring at this black lady while I ask Matt if he would give me 10 dollars to hit on her
-Emily driving to BJ's and almost killing me and mike like 4 times
-The blender
-Yelling at Frat Fags
-Me Saying "what up" 3 times as we passed sorority's
-Mike carrying Dannys air Mattress up the stairs
-The Trash in the Elevator
-Matt making (4-6) Quarters in the shot glass at Chili's and watching the manager get pissed
-The Host at Chili's (i know this is veg but she was something else lol)
-Danny ordering and asking literally 13 questions
-Matt holding his Ipod on his shoulder like a boom box, and Collin doing his gangster walk
-The Kitchen Bed... Brian.
-Matt and Matt ripping ass all night on the massive bean bag
-The lady at McDonald's who charged me 80 extra cents and how that's a crime
-Collins face at 5 am

... well. That's all I have for now if I think of any more ill put them up. Cheers.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Its been a while since I have posted, but I figured I would give my thoughts on a matter that I feel affects all of us in some way.  Ill start with a story.  A few nights ago in an evening fire class our teacher was asking us why we wanted to be firefighters.  Various students responded, but there was one kid in the back who said the answer we all were thinking but weren't gonna say, and I quote. "The chicks love firefighters!" At that point the class burst into laughter, and possibly some applause.  The teacher also laughed and said that's true, but his smile turned and he went into story about how his wife divorced him and is now taking half his pension.

On the way home as me and Collin recapped the class as we often do, which usually consists of how much we hate Chabot and cant wait to transfer.  But I digress, So were talking and we bring up this situation.  And Collin says that the teacher should have gotten a Pre- Nup or (Pre Nuptial Agreement) for those who were born in a barn.  So I asked Collin, Is there anything more awkward then asking your future wife for a Pre Nup?  I mean seriously, basically saying to your fiance, the woman who you will soon marry,  I don't really trust you, so sign this and if you feel like you want to divorce me in about 15 to 20 years you wont get a dime.  Now if I was like a millionaire or the owner of the San Francisco Giants who are ascending rapidly and are playoff bound I might add, it would probably be a no brainer.  But just to ask something like that, you gotta have some stones.  Those are my thoughts.  Ill try and muster some more awkwardness soon.