Friday, September 3, 2010


Its been a while since I have posted, but I figured I would give my thoughts on a matter that I feel affects all of us in some way.  Ill start with a story.  A few nights ago in an evening fire class our teacher was asking us why we wanted to be firefighters.  Various students responded, but there was one kid in the back who said the answer we all were thinking but weren't gonna say, and I quote. "The chicks love firefighters!" At that point the class burst into laughter, and possibly some applause.  The teacher also laughed and said that's true, but his smile turned and he went into story about how his wife divorced him and is now taking half his pension.

On the way home as me and Collin recapped the class as we often do, which usually consists of how much we hate Chabot and cant wait to transfer.  But I digress, So were talking and we bring up this situation.  And Collin says that the teacher should have gotten a Pre- Nup or (Pre Nuptial Agreement) for those who were born in a barn.  So I asked Collin, Is there anything more awkward then asking your future wife for a Pre Nup?  I mean seriously, basically saying to your fiance, the woman who you will soon marry,  I don't really trust you, so sign this and if you feel like you want to divorce me in about 15 to 20 years you wont get a dime.  Now if I was like a millionaire or the owner of the San Francisco Giants who are ascending rapidly and are playoff bound I might add, it would probably be a no brainer.  But just to ask something like that, you gotta have some stones.  Those are my thoughts.  Ill try and muster some more awkwardness soon.

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