Saturday, November 26, 2011


hmmmmmm, hello here I am again.... Back from a nice 8 month break where a lot happened, but little of those events I can remember.  Just kidding, but seriously its a blurr...  Anyways, now that I have dusted off my keyboard, rediscovered my password, and have gotten back on "the horse".  I will try my best as always to entertain and educate, well at least entertain.

After some communication with a "new reader" I have a topic in mind for this post, this topic is very relevant and controversial. I hope that political views or aspirations would not override the purpose of my writing. And to be honest, I don't like politics, I go out of my way to stay out of political confrontations.  Usually nothing good comes from it.

With that being said, I would like to give some thoughts to the "occupy" issue. But not to the issue itself, just using something from it as an example to show how truly blessed we are.

For the record, if you want to sleep in a tent and all that, knock yourself out, although I'm sure theres other things you could be and probably should be doing.

Ok, now to the point.  Many pictures surfaced surrounding these occupy events.  The first-- a man with a sign saying "WE ARE THE 99%" representing those not in the 1% most wealthy in the United States.  The next was a picture I saw on facebook a day later. It had a picture of starving African children and it read "THE REAL 99%".  I was taken back by the picture, most people have been so desensitized by the media that this picture means relatively nothing to them. Or, people feel sad for a moment but below the picture is 'Michael's' status about the big game this weekend. 

The reason this picture provoked me was because of my personal interaction with starving Africans, and yes they really do exist.  In my time in Ethiopia, the poorest country in the world, I encountered many who were not guaranteed a meal a day, real starving people... and I had 3 bags of beef jerky in my suitcase.  It puts things into perspective for me. One stat that was told to me which I will never forget and always humbles me is this.  If you make more than "1" dollar a day, than you are apart of the 1% richest people in the world. We are the real 1% whether we would like to admit it or not.

I am all for standing up for what you believe in, but let us not forget how blessed we truly are, and how many would kill to be in our shoes.  I hope that at some point we would all answer the call to help those in the "99" who are less fortunate than us.

That may have gotten a little heavy lol- until next time, use Good Knowledge.